All Files Access Permission
All files access:
App has built-in OpenVPN All files access permission is required to browse the OpenVPN config file from the local storage. Only if a user tries to add an OpenVPN config file from local storage, the app will ask for all files access permission. Without all files access permission app will be unable to browse files with extension .ovpn.
✅ Core Functionality
Technical Reason:
App has a built-in OpenVPN service. Which allows our users to use any VPN service provider. App has two options
Use direct OpenVPN Config URL from VPN service provider's website. If a user uses this feature, the app uses READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to save and retrieve files. The app doesn't require all files permission.
Download OpenVPN Config file from VPN service provider's website and use File Picker to browse download folder to select config file's path. Uses may receive config files via email or download directly from the website. Because the OpenVPN config file's extension is .ovpn, without all files access permission MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, config file is not visible in the folder.